
Good news! We are building our Talent Database. We are currently collecting Muslim and SWANA/MENASA talent, but we are welcoming of ALL!

Join our talent database for FREE by clicking below:


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Have Questions? Book a time to chat with us HERE.

We will review your materials and give you some pointers.

If you are a Film Maker, Producer, or Marketing Professional looking for diverse talent please, please fill out this FORM.

Email us for access to our database: info@macasting.com







The Muslim community in America is not a monolith; we are diverse, multicultural, linguistically and racially rich. We have stories, so many stories…and it’s time we tell them.



If you grew up watching Egyptian or Bollywood films (or Turkish soap operas nowawdays…am I right?), you know the magic that film and TV has had on our community historically. It’s time we stop dreaming about the past and be part of the future—our future.



If you’ve dreamed of writing a script, take a script writing class! If you’ve dreamed being coming an actor, take an acting class! If you’ve dreamed of directing your own film, learn how to direct. Every dream has to start somewhere and its usually education. Consistency and hard work are crucial to making it in any industry, especially this one.

  • Yes. We will only share it with our clients as jobs arise. It will not be posted on our site.

  • Thats ok! Send us what you have and we can direct you to the right resources. Or we can offer consulting services on how to create and tailor your package.

  • Been there, done that. We know how hard it can be to tell you parents you don’t want to be doctor and want to be stand-up comedian instead, OH THE HORROR! Be honest with your parents. Its about two-way communication: Hear their concerns. And then explain why and how this will benefit you. The best way to go about it in our experience has been goal setting. Give them a timeline and a set of goals. For example, tell them to give you a year to establish yourself, and if no traction has been made in a year then you will continue to work towards the goals they want for you while doing this on the side, etc.

  • Sure, aspects of Hollywood are unbecoming and do not fit traditional Muslim norms, but three points we would like to make on this:

    1) Hollywood is just one sector, but it isn’t every sector. Think beyond it.

    2) If you don’t like what you see, change it. The most effective way to change the industry is to write your own scripts. Produce, direct, film and act in your own work and then submit to film festivals or international markets. If you can’t afford to film something professionally, make a trailer using you iPhone (there have been many successes this way). Make Trailers, Sizzle Reels, Story Boards, Show Bibles, Feature Film Pitch Decks and Business Plans.

    3) Every Muslim is different. Every comfort level is different. Define your boundaries. And keep those in mind when you or your agent are submitting to jobs.

  • No, it’s FREE to be a part of out database!